The story adds, Since then Torrey has been spotted wearing a canary yellow diamond and a wedding band on the set of Pretty Little Liars. 文章里说有人在《美少女的谎言》片场看到Torrey佩戴了淡黄色的钻石结婚戒指。
Queen Elizabeth II has become the first British monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary. 伊丽莎白二世女王成为第一位庆祝钻石婚的英国君主。
May your diamond wedding anniversary be happy and wonderful. 祝你们的钻石婚周年幸福快乐。
Besides those traditional gold and diamond trading markets, pawn shops can also be considered as a perfect location for young couples to secure more economical wedding jewelry. 除了那些传统的黄金和钻石交易市场,典当行也可以被视为一个完美的位置,以争取更多的经济的婚礼首饰的年轻夫妇。
Cramp, joiners ', of base metal diamond [ golden; ruby; silver; tin; wooden] wedding 钻石[金;红宝石;银;锡;木]婚
ORLANDO, Fla.-Walt Disney World seems to have worked its magic on a Massachusetts couple who accidentally threw away three platinum and diamond wedding rings. 迪斯尼乐园大概是在这对丢失了三枚结婚钻戒的夫妇身上实施魔法了。
Darling, I've bought you a diamond wedding ring. 亲爱的,我给你买了个结婚钻戒。
He bought her a diamond ring on their tenth wedding anniversary. 他们结婚10周年纪念,他给她买了一枚钻戒。
The quality of the diamond and the setting on the engagement ring was outstanding as were the quality and finish of our wedding rings. 挑选一枚可与她的订婚戒指配衬的结婚戒指、一枚周年纪念戒指或一枚经典的男装结婚戒指。
Naked wedding means newlyweds without a house, car, diamond ring or grand wedding ceremony. 的意思是新婚夫妇没有房、没有车、没有钻戒或盛大的婚礼的现象。
Diamond wedding jewelry sales are in China and the world number one, gold, pearls and jade they enjoy a long history in China, the wedding jewelry is in an inferior position. 钻石婚庆首饰的销量在中国乃至全球都是排名第一的,黄金、珍珠和翡翠这些在中国有着久远历史的婚庆饰品却只能处于劣势。